Community Lunch is free to those in need.
Contact to volunteer to cook, set up, serve, eat with folks, and/or clean. We serve approximately 150 guest each day. Volunteer times are flexible, and it's fun and easy to join.
"I was hungry and you gave me something to eat."
(MATTHEW 25:35)
Faith Action Network is a statewide interfaith advocacy non-profit 501(c)(3) organization through which thousands of people and over 120 faith communities across Washington State partner for the common good. Together, we are a powerful voice of the faithful building a more just, peaceful, and sustainable world.
We Are a Network of Faith Communities That:
All Pilgrims Christian Church became a FAN Advocating Faith Community in January 2016.
Our two Advocacy Leaders and liaisons are Steve Clagett and Kathy Dawson.
Learn more about Faith Action Network and find out the latest by subscribing to the e-news and advocacy alerts:
Be updated about what’s happening in Washington State legislature:
Be in touch with your legislators through the legislative hotline number: 1-800-562-6000.
(Translation is available.)
The Same Love Garden in front of the church was started with money donated by Macklemore after filming his Same Love video in our church. With continued support from our congregation it is a thriving reflection of our neighborhood...a place of celebration for our growing community.
Gardeners welcome. Volunteer to keep the Same Love Garden thriving. email:
Join a larger cause through one of the ministries supported by our denominations: United Church of Christ (UCC) or Disciples of Christ (DOC).
Week of Compassion (DOC)
One Great Hour of Sharing (UCC). Relief, refugee, and development missions. Help others through disaster response, humanitarian aid, sustainable development, and missions around the world.
Southwest Good Samaritan Project (DOC) Serving refugees, immigrants, and the poor of the Texas-Mexico border since 1985. Serve by providing shelter, services, food, and spiritual support on both sides of the border.
Neighbors in Need (UCC) Ministries of justice and compassion throughout the United States. This ministry supports the Council for American Indian Ministry, as well as a variety of justice initiatives, advocacy efforts, and direct service projects. (UCC, DOC) Together, UCC and DOC supports ministries in 47 countries, responding to existing needs and working toward self-sufficiency.
Download Your 2021 Thank You Letter.